
Corrstown Golf Club

Bar and Restaurant

Mon 3

Course Status

ACourse Status: Monday 3rd March- Course open. Buggies Allowed


Bar & Restaurant

Our large open plan, yet sectionable, layout lends itself to all forms of special occasions, Birthdays, Christenings, Communions, Confirmations, in fact just about any celebration you can think of.

Click below for a sample of our menu:

Bar/Restaurant Menu

‘Al Fresco’ Dining Experience

If you are a fan of the ‘al fresco’ dining experience or just fancy an evening sundowner you will love our balcony area with it’s stunning views of our 1st Tee, 9th and 18th hole. We also provide an excellent a la carte menu along with regular weekend buffets served in a relaxed atmosphere. To ensure availability, advance booking is required for our members, their guests and visitors.


To make a booking simply contact (01) 8640533 or email


Golf Societies & Corporate Days

Pro Shop

Full range of Golf Equipment


Joining 'The Corrstown Family'

Get in Touch

Corrstown Golf Club
Kilsallaghan, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 YH68

Telephone: +353 1 8640533

Connect with us


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